Go to the maintenance room and locate the lift going up. Your plasma cutter will be put to the test, so be sure to orient your cutting arc's orientation (90° vertical or horizontal) by aiming the weapon and pressing the stomp button (this is secondary fire). Head back the way you came (follow the blue line) and you'll be in the Ishimura's tram maintenance bay, a multi-tiered room with small elevators, monsters and a lot of fighting. Once that's done, play out the expected enemy ambush, collect your winnings and leave. Use stasis on the quick-retracting arm to give you enough time to hit the crane arm activation panel (between both arms). The first crane arm will latch onto the damaged car, but the second arm will catch briefly and then retract. To replace the tram car, activate the crane arms on the platform. Power nodes will cost you 1O,OOO credits so any time you have the option to collect one for free, do so (of course, you cannot sell any extra power nodes once you buy or find them.
#Dead space walkthrough free
Head into the tram repair room for a free power node (1 of 2). And of course, refer to the in-game map for your best direction. Be sure to clear all the rooms you come across, since you never know what you might find. If you're blindly following the blue objective line, you may occasionally miss a side room (or bathroom). Touching the door when it is moving quickly results in your head being snapped off. If you were thorough, you will have read about the combat abilities of the stasis module in the Weapons section of the guide.įor this immediate puzzle though, cast a stasis bullet at the door and run past it when it opens. Explore the tunnel for items and take the stasis module from the dead tech. Go through the maintenance tunnels to the tram tunnel. Head outside the other door after saving the game. For the purposes of those of us without the time, money, and inclination to spend it online (or socially), ignore red lamp lockers. The lockers with orange/red lamps are locked (possibly activated with downloadable content). This essentially extends the game by another 9 hours.Įxplore the room for blue lamps and other items. Isaac will meet with Hammond and Kendra and you will have a mission to repair the tram. Once you've got yourself something of a weapon, hop through the short hallway to the tram control room. If you've been paying attention to the controls, you know you can smash the capsule easily by pressing the fire/attack button without aiming (this saves ammunition). Smash open the sparking energy capsule to release the power lock on the door. When you're ready to move on, head over to the door with the guy begging to be let in (he always dies). The black Xboxes with green lamps are also item cannisters (they can be moved and fall into crevasses). Shred enough limbs (generally two or three) and the monster will stop attacking and "drop dead".Įxplore the room for items - the lockers and footlockers with blue lamps are item cannisters. Unlike older zombie games that reward you for doing noggin shots (head shots), the necromorphs in Dead Space are devoid of brain activity and need to have their limbs shredded to immobilize them. The hint written on the wall of the shed ( Cut off their limbs) is not random grafitti.
#Dead space walkthrough for free
The only weapon you will get for free - the very handy Plasma Torch - is in the mess over at the tool shed. At the end of the hall, there is a well deserved exit. The enemies here won't be terribly aggressive, but don't stick around since their intention is to injure you. The enemies will drop in from three ceiling vents and startle your character (he will pause briefly before giving control to you again). Hold the sprint button and run down the hallway. You have no weapon (first round - if this is the second round or later, you shouldn't even be reading this). Notice how the security guy dies? This is also why you should stand with your back to something solid when fighting Necromorphs - so none of them can get behind you in the first place.Įscape the flight lounge's control booth through the opened door. Once you head inside the booth to access the damage report, you should get ready to get out of Dodge. If you have a sharp eye (and have been reading message boards about Dead Space), you will be able to see the "There is always Peng!" figurine over the side of the hangar's walkway, although you cannot get to it until much later in the game.įollow Hammond, Kendra and the rest of the red shirts into the Flight Lounge. There is a small medikit in the Kellion (your ship) in one of the side bays. The game will run you through the tutorial (even on a Cleared/Continue Game), so go ahead and get used to the controls.